We set up our business in 1997. Since then we have been displaying excellence in Integrated Marketing Communications. Since 2003 we have transformed into Rodolux and operate as a cooperative that combines specialists and experts in integrated marketing communications, journalists, IT wizards and capable consultants.
We define ourselves as theoreticians and practitioners in Integrated Marketing Communications and thus we can work for wide range of branches.
– applause that claquers beat during someone’s performance or
– a group of claquers present at a given performance, appearance, etc.
Ethymologically KLAKA (according to The Dicitonary of Foreign Terms) is borrowed from French
word „claque” and commonly means „paid applause”. It also means a groupe of people who are payed to give applause –
commonly a person who is being payed for applauzing a commissioned performance.
Our mission is coveyed in Samuel Beckett’s words:
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail Better”.
(“Zawsze próbowałeś. Zawsze przegrywałeś. Nieważne. Spróbuj znowu. Przegraj znowu. Przegraj piękniej”)